Kite school tip
Primesurf Sicily, Lo Stagnone: Learn to kite at the largest shallow water lagoon in Europe
La dolce Vita and learning to kitesurf, that's how it works in Sicily
The kitesurfing blog from kite-unite.com: Here you will find inspiration about kitesurfing and more.
La dolce Vita and learning to kitesurf, that's how it works in Sicily
Kitesurfing in the European capital of wind - in Tarifa, Spanish lifestyle meets surfing culture.
Almería – truly Spanish or just rubbish? A city between a nature reserve and greenhouse plantations.
Premium Kite schools are displayed here.
Your kite school since 2003
LaboeMobile kitesurfing school in St. Peter-Ording
St. Peter-OrdingKitesplash - kiting almost like in the Caribbean.
FehmarnNO BUDDY principle, everyone gets their own KITE!
Dierhageninsider tip in Sardinia