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Why kite surfers should do yoga regularly

Why kite surfers should do yoga regularly - KITE-UNITE.COM

Kitesurfing and yoga may seem like two completely different activities at first glance, but a closer look reveals amazing parallels and synergies between the two. While one embodies thrill and dynamism, the other stands for calm, balance and flexibility.

Kitesurfing and Yoga

How do kitesurfing and yoga fit together?

When kitesurfing , a well-trained body is necessary to withstand the exertion on the water and to endure long sessions. Yoga stabilizes the muscles, stretches the body and loosens fascia and connective tissue. Certain breathing techniques also promote concentration and help you to focus on your body.

There are many different styles of yoga and you can choose the one that suits your own taste. Hatha Yoga , Vinyasa Flow or Yin Yoga are just a few examples and work with strengthening body and conscious breathing exercises , dynamic flowing movements or deep stretches and the conscious feeling and finding of peace.

Yoga as a complement to intensive kitesurfing

The body must be well prepared to cope with the sudden forces that the wind can exert on the kite , as well as high jumps or landings, rotational movements and practicing various maneuvers. For this, it is important to warm up properly before a session. This can be supported by appropriate yoga exercises.

Even after an extensive training session on the water, it is important to relax the body. The intense strain of kitesurfing can cause tension in the body, especially in the shoulders, back and legs. Yoga is an ideal complement to release this tension and bring the body back into balance. The stretches and certain postures (asanas) in yoga improve flexibility and prevent injuries , while meditation calms the mind and reduces stress.

Concrete yoga exercises for your daily routine

Below are some concrete exercises that you can incorporate into your daily routine to strengthen your body and mind holistically and prepare you for intensive kitesurfing sessions on the water.

Downward Facing Dog

This pose stretches the back muscles, legs and shoulders while strengthening the arms and upper body. Start in a quadruped position and then lift the buttocks up to form an inverted V-bend with the body. Press the heels into the floor and extend the arms while letting the head hang between the arms.

Standing forward bend

This standing forward bend stretches the legs, lower back, and hamstrings. Stand up straight with your knees slightly bent, then bend forward to bring your hands to your feet or touch the floor. Let your upper body become heavy and relax your neck and shoulders as you breathe deeply.

Kitesurfing and yoga


The cobra, or upward facing dog, is also a classic among the traditional yoga poses. It strengthens the back, opens the chest and improves the flexibility of the spine. Lie on your stomach with your hands on the floor next to your shoulders and your elbows close to your body. Now press your palms into the floor and slowly raise your upper body, looking forward and pulling your shoulders down. Hold the pose for a few breaths and then lower your upper body again.


Different variations of the warrior pose improve leg strength and stability and promote concentration and endurance. Get into a wide stance with one foot forward and one back, bend the front knee and stretch the arms out to the sides while you twist the upper body over the front leg. Gaze over the front hand and hold the pose with calm breathing.

Kitesurfing and yoga

Kitesurfing and yoga

Swivel seat

The twist seat helps to relieve the spine and release tension in the upper back that can arise from holding the kite bar, for example. Sit on the floor with your legs stretched out and turn your upper body to the side by wrapping one arm around the opposite knee and placing the other arm on the floor behind you. Hold the position and breathe in and out deeply as you gently deepen the twist.

With yoga you strengthen and stretch your body , improve your strength and endurance and are fit for the next kite session . You also relax your mind and prepare yourself mentally for kitesurfing. Have you ever tried it?

Yoga and kiting: The perfect combination for a holistic experience in nature

Finally, a side note: Both practices promote a deep connection with nature. When kitesurfing, you are one with the wind and water, you feel the power of the elements and learn to adapt to them. Yoga is also often practiced outdoors, be it on the beach, in the park or in the mountains, which also creates a direct connection with nature and awakens a feeling of gratitude for its beauty and power.

The combination of yoga and kiting can be the key to your personal and holistic experience in nature.

Have fun with your next yoga and kitesurfing sessions!

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